Copyright 2006 by Sean Kelly. SOME RIGHTS RESERVED. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license.
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A screencast showing how to install Plone and other components and a demonstration on creating custom content types for Plone. Note that I made an error in the presentation: I said "aggregation" when I should've said "composition" when drawing the relationship between "TimeLog" and "TimeEntry" classes.
The QuickTime format file uses the H.264 codec, yet it's viewable with VLC ( for those without access the QuickTime Player or equivalent.
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September 15, 2006 Subject:
great intro
great fascinating and very speedy introduction to plone and archetypes.
Funny too.
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July 16, 2006 Subject:
Getting your feet wet with Plone.
This is an excellent and very needed video on setting up Python/Zope/Plone and building a custom PLone archetype application with ArgoUML and ArchGenXML. Two problems, my ArgoUML did not work like the authors ArgoUML and I got stuck being unable to do the Tag Values entry when I tried to re-create the application myself. The second problem which the video acknowledges is that the application is bare bones and lacks a lot of features. The video concludes with the assertion that another video is needed to flesh out the application. I am greatly looking forward to that screencast.